Chocolate & its Beauty Benefits. My Recipe for a Chocolate Body Massage

Chocolate is both delicious and healthy! Even though you shouldn’t eat too much of it, there are no limits when it comes to chocolate in beauty products. How and where is chocolate produced? What cosmetic benefits does it have? Check out my recipe for a home chocolate massage. Where & how is chocolate made? Saying that chocolate grows on trees isn’t exaggeration. It grows on[…]

How to achieve healthy skin? Start from the inside! A few reliable methods to regenerate and condition skin

Hello! You spread balm all over it, wipe it off with a toner and apply colour cosmetics for various occasions. Yes, it’s about your skin. Usually, you take care of it from the outside but it’s advised to do it from the inside, too. How to do it? Go on reading my text and you will learn the best methods of simple home skin care[…]