The skin on our lips is very thin and delicate. It has few sebaceous glands and lacks melanin and sweat glands. For this reason, out lips are not naturally protected from solar radiation, easily get dried and chapped. When your lips are dry, they lose volume and firmness, they become pale, the lip contours blur so that it becomes hard to distinguish the lips from[…]
Hi girls! I know that many of you start your adventure with make-up (well, you know: ‘proper’ make-up, professional and precisely done) with the purchase of a whole range of brushes, which is usually quite a number. It’s a mistake. You’ll never use most of them. Which brushes do you really need? It turns out that there are literally only a few of them. Which,[…]
Hey! You think you take good care of your hair? Maybe you’re right but I believe I’m going to enlighten you in today’s post a little bit. Take a look at three most common hair care mistakes and check if you’re making any of them! 🙂 I don’t even dare to count all hair-care articles I posted on the blog. It’s always been my TOPic![…]
Making your own soap is time-consuming but easy. The best part is that you know exactly what ingredients are inside! As a result, allergy suffers can avoid allergens, whereas lovers of natural products can finally get rid of preservatives. How to make a soap? How to give it the desired smell and colour and what ingredients can we add? And finally – how to store[…]
Chocolate is both delicious and healthy! Even though you shouldn’t eat too much of it, there are no limits when it comes to chocolate in beauty products. How and where is chocolate produced? What cosmetic benefits does it have? Check out my recipe for a home chocolate massage. Where & how is chocolate made? Saying that chocolate grows on trees isn’t exaggeration. It grows on[…]
Hello! You spread balm all over it, wipe it off with a toner and apply colour cosmetics for various occasions. Yes, it’s about your skin. Usually, you take care of it from the outside but it’s advised to do it from the inside, too. How to do it? Go on reading my text and you will learn the best methods of simple home skin care[…]