Scalp conditioners: Tricks to make them work better and faster

Hello! Undoubtedly, scalp conditioners are an incredibly good solution if you experience problems with hair and/or scalp. You can buy them in a drugstore or pharmacy, and even make them on your own. Scalp conditioners contain natural ingredients, they are easy to apply, can be used by everyone regardless of their hair and scalp type. But what should you do if your scalp conditioner doesn’t[…]

Do you know it all about micellar shampoo? Effect, qualities, use

I guess we know it all about micellar water. What about micellar shampoo? If it’s the first time you’ve heard about it, read on and learn the essentials. You’ll unravel the must-know: its properties, effects and usage. What is micellar shampoo? The micellar shampoo effect goes on natural ingredients and special cleansing agents – micelles. They are formulated without artificial substances that are likely to[…]

How Do I Keep My Face Smooth & Radiant? Step-By-Step Evening Skin Care Routine

Hey, girls! Today, I’ll reveal a little secret and tell you about the never-let-me-down method for a smooth and radiant face. As you’ll see, it’s nothing hard. You can follow such skin care routine at home. Cleaning Face I begin every-evening skin care routine with removing makeup and cleaning my face. I wipe skin with a toner for acne-prone complexion and remove makeup products at[…]

How to Choose Good Facial Serum? My Tips & Observations

Hi, there! I think there’s no girl who has never used a facial serum. This excellent cosmetic works for all skin types. It contains lots of natural ingredients, delivers wonderful effects and is very durable. If you still don’t have your favourite face serum, read on to get some tips and find the best one. FACIAL SERUM INGREDIENTS Choose the ones that will take the[…]