How to smell good the entire day? My ways for fresh and lasting fragrance

Skin features sweat glands that produce approximately one litre of perspiration per day. Contrary to all appearances, sweat is essential; it cools skin off and this counteracts body overheating. However, when the sweat is allowed to remain on the skin for a little bit too long, it causes unpleasant smell and discomfort that is strictly connected with it. Luckily, there are means to deal with[…]

Can music played in beauty parlour display therapeutic action?

Hey! Scented candles, a soft couch and high-quality cosmetics are just a few factors increasing the comfort a beauty salon may offer. Is there anything else to add? Naturally, let’s not forget about music. Calming down, relaxing and deaden sounds don’t only favour creating cosy atmosphere but also aid in carrying beauty rituals and are an inseparable element of many kinds of therapies. Find out[…]